Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Join us as author Jon Byrne introduces Richard Fitz Simon, main character in his new release, Sword Brethren #HistoricalFiction #BalticCrusades #Characters #RecommendedReading

Sword Brethren

The Northern Crusader Chronicles, Book #1

by Jon Byrne


1242. After being wounded in the Battle on the Ice, Richard Fitz Simon becomes a prisoner of Prince Alexander Nevsky of Novgorod. Alexander, intrigued by his captive’s story, instructs his scholar to assist Richard in writing about his life.

Richard’s chronicle begins in 1203, when his training to be a knight is disrupted by treachery. He is forced to flee England for Lübeck, where he begins work for a greedy salt merchant. After an illicit love affair, his new life is thrown into turmoil, and he joins the Livonian Brothers of the Sword as they embark on imposing the will of God on the pagans of the eastern Baltic. Here, he must reconcile with his new life of prayer, danger and duty – despite his own religious doubts, with as many enemies within the fortified commandery as the wilderness outside.

However, when their small outpost in Riga is threatened by a large pagan army, Richard is compelled to make a crucial decision and fight like never before.

Guest post about the main character in Sword Brethren – and his motivations, conflicts, and challenges.

Bound by faith, forged in battle, haunted by doubt – Richard Fitz Simon’s journey has always been one of internal conflict. A Teutonic Knight and Swordbrother beforehand, Richard has spent decades fighting on the borders of Christendom, battling to bring the word of God to the pagans of the eastern Baltic. But after years of bloodshed, he now lies recovering at Yuriev Monastery from a serious wound incurred at the Battle on the Ice at Lake Peipus in April 1242. His faith – never strong to begin with – now feels more distant and fragile. It's here, in the stillness of recovery, that Richard’s greatest struggles begin to surface.

Richard, now a weary and cynical 53-year-old knight, finds himself more burdened by events of the past than ever before. His body is broken, but it's the complete erosion of his belief that weighs most heavily on him. The monastery, usually a place of solace, becomes a crucible for the thoughts and regrets he's long buried.

Whilst bedridden, he is visited by Prince Alexander Nevsky – the commander of the forces that defeated Richard’s own army. The prince is intrigued by his captive’s story and allows Richard to begin a chronicle about his life to give to his son so he understands his legacy, tasking him to reap the vengeance that has eluded Richard himself. Alexander has his scholar, a stubborn Irishman named Fergus, transcribe and translate the chronicle into Russian so he too has a copy. Both Richard and Fergus dislike each other immediately – hinting at the problems and clashes that will follow in their collaboration. 

Image Pixabay

The chronicle itself begins in 1203, when Richard is just fourteen years old, the son of Lord Roger Fitz Simon of Cranham, a small barony on the borders of Suffolk and Norfolk. Raised with the expectation of becoming a knight and eventually taking over his father’s lands, this is all he has ever wanted and what he has spent his short life preparing for. But events take a turn with the appearance of his uncle Gilbert, who arrives from Normandy with his retainers, bringing with him the experience of war and a new direction for Richard’s future.

Richard’s father, Roger, dies in mysterious circumstances in a hunting accident while Richard is on a chore to Bury St Edmunds. His uncle usurps the castle, and Richard is forced to flee Cranham with Wilhelm, his father’s German steward.

The once-secure world of noble birth is replaced by a new uncertainty and hardship. In London, Richard and the ever-loyal Wilhelm barely escape Gilbert’s grasp. But the pursuit doesn’t end there. Their journey leads them to Lübeck, the city of Wilhelm’s birth. Here, they live with Wilhelm’s brother Eberhard, a greedy salt merchant, and Richard works for Eberhard’s henchman, Henkel, a cruel and dangerous man. Richard feels cast adrift in a foreign city, unable to speak the language, penniless, and struggling with tasks well beneath his noble upbringing. He is shunned and persecuted by Henkel, who considers Richard an arrogant boy who has no business being there. Here, Richard is forced to reckon with a harsh new reality. His noble status is meaningless in this new, hostile world.

Image Pixabay

In Lübeck, Richard finds himself abandoned and lost, torn between grief, anger, and a desire for the revenge he knows could destroy him. Despite the harshness of his circumstances, he is driven by a single desire – to return home and reclaim his father’s lands, to confront his uncle and avenge the life he’s lost. But he knows that this path will lead only to death, and his struggle is not just with the physical dangers of the world around him, but with his own inner conflict. Is vengeance truly worth the cost of his life? Can he even survive in a world that seems so determined to break him?

But Richard tries to make the best of his new situation – befriending some of the comrades he works with, especially a boy two years older named Otto. He undertakes every task without complaint, despite some of them being very unsavoury. The connection to his previous world is completely broken. Things take a dark turn when Richard falls in love with Elsebeth, the daughter of Eberhard, and they begin an illicit affair, made worse when Eberhard offers her hand in marriage to Henkel.

Richard’s life is thrown into turmoil again, caught between his feelings for Elsebeth, whilst at the same time knowing that if Henkel found out, it would lead to his death. He tries to convince Elsebeth to run away with him, but she is unwilling to go against her father, leaving Richard bereft and without hope. Everything goes wrong for him, and he feels that God is punishing him for his lack of faith.

Events explode, and Richard is forced to flee Lübeck with Otto, joining the new recruits of a Christian order of warrior monks – The Brothers of the Sword – as a sergeant. They set sail across the Baltic Sea to Riga in Livonia. A new life begins, living in a fortified commandery and praying seven times a day. Richard finds the new routine and discipline boring and hard to adjust to, relieved only by weapons practice. Three other sergeants torment him as he is not German, and he is beaten in the stables.

Richard feels further alienated from his past and England, powerless in this place he’d never heard of a month before, and unable to enact the vengeance that bubbles within him. He becomes the squire for a handsome and arrogant knight named Rudolf – the most noble man in the Order. He treats Richard as a slave, physically bullying him one moment, while being strangely polite and correct the next. This unpredictability adds to Richard’s internal turbulence.

Can Richard find a way to come to terms with his new life? Can he adapt to the harsh regime and finally find acceptance within the Order? Can he learn to quell the anger and bitterness that sometimes consumes him?

Image from Pixabay

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Jon Byrne

Jon Byrne, originally from London, now lives with his German family by a lake in Bavaria with stunning views of the Alps. As well as writing, he works as a translator for a local IT company and occasionally as a lumberjack.

He has always been fascinated by history and has studied the Medieval world for over twenty years, building up a comprehensive library of books. In his research, he has travelled to all of the locations mentioned in the book (East Anglia, Bremen, Lübeck, Latvia, etc).

Sword Brethren (formerly Brothers of the Sword) made it to the shortlist of the Yeovil Literary Prize 2022 and the longlist of the prestigious Grindstone International Novel Prize 2022. It is the first book in The Northern Crusader Chronicles.

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Monday, March 24, 2025

Join us as author & broadcaster Justin Newland introduces Nelan Michaels, main character in his new release, The Midnight of Eights #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalFantasy #Characters #RecommendedReading

The Midnight of Eights

by Justin Newland



Nelan Michaels docks at Plymouth after sailing around the world aboard the Golden Hind. He seeks only to master his mystical powers – the mark of the salamander, that mysterious spirit of fire – and reunite with his beloved Eleanor.

After delivering a message to Francis Walsingham, he’s recruited into the service of the Queen’s spymaster, where his astral abilities help him to predict and thwart future plots against the realm.

But in 1588, the Spanish Armada threatens England’s shores.

So how could the fledgling navy of a small, misty isle on the edge of mainland Europe repulse the greatest fleet in the world?

Was the Queen right when she claimed it was divine intervention, saying, ‘He blew with His winds, and they were scattered!’?

Or was it an entirely different intervention – the extraordinary conjunction of coincidences that Nelan’s astral powers brought to bear on that fateful Midnight of Eights?

Author, speaker and broadcaster Justin Newland writes novels that blend thrilling historical adventure with elements of crime, magical realism, speculative fiction and supernatural quality.

This guest post is about the threats, challenges and motivations of the main character of my novel, The Midnight of Eights.

Historians know the names of some of the crew of Sir Francis Drake’s vessel, The Golden Hind. One of them was a Flemish immigrant by the name of Nelan. I gave him the surname Michaels and made him the protagonist of The Midnight of Eights.

The novel is the second book in a two-part historical adventure series set in Elizabethan England. Although written as a stand-alone, Book 2 also continues the storyline of Book 1 (The Mark of the Salamander) and begins when Nelan returns from the circumnavigation in Sir Francis Drake’s Golden Hind.

I evoked some of the complexities and uncertainties of the Tudor world to which he returns, which is fraught with dangers from both inside and outside the realm. Catholic Spain waits in the wings to invade England, a Protestant nation, sending spies to infiltrate the mansions, stately homes and the English courts, and to join up with the many disaffected Catholics who actively plot against Elizabeth, who according to the Pope, is a heretic and a pretender.  

Nelan wants the one thing his parents could never provide for him; love, stability and security. Thus he wants to find and marry his fiancée, his beloved Eleanor, who he left behind when sailing around the world with Francis Drake.

Nelan also has to learn to make the best use of his newfound intuitive and clairvoyant powers. These come to the attention of Queen Elizabeth’s spymaster, Francis Walsingham, who recruits him as a special agent to combat the threat of the Spanish abroad, and of rebellious Catholics at home. Using these powers, Nelan is tasked with gathering vital intelligence about Catholic traitors and political conspiracies around the country. But the world of 16th century espionage is full of pitfalls and intrigue and he needs all his wits and powers of prescience to stay alive – and find his beloved.

Sir Francis Walsingham, courtesy of Wikipedia

The threats to the Queen’s person pile up – Edmund Campion, Francis Throckmorton, and then, Anthony Babington, who conspires with the dangerous Mary, Queen of Scots, the Queen’s cousin, a Catholic, and a distant heir to the throne.

When Nelan helps to uncover the Babington plot to unseat Elizabeth, Mary is implicated and is executed at Fotheringhay Castle in 1587, prompting King Philip of Spain to prepare the Armada for the invasion of the Land of Angels, England.

Mary, Queen of Scots, depicted in mourning, courtesy of Wikipedia

During this difficult time leading up to the invasion in 1588, Nelan uses all his powers to divine the intentions of the Spanish, and thwart their plans. He must also reunite with his old sea commander, Admiral Sir Francis Drake, and go back to sea once more, fighting in the most crucial naval battle that decides the country’s fate. Yet as the clouds of war loom over the English Channel, even more shocking dangers lie closer to home: the treachery and paranoia of the Elizabethan court threatens to put Nelan’s life at great risk – unless he can find a desperate way to escape before disaster strikes. At a time of conflict at home and abroad, Nelan is faces the ultimate test of loyalty; between his new country or his beloved.

These then are some of the threats, challenges and motivations that galvanise the boy, and make the man, Nelan Michaels, in The Midnight of Eights

Justin Newland
18th March 2025

Justin Newland

Justin Newland’s novels represent an innovative blend of genres from historical adventure to supernatural thriller and magical realism.

Undeterred by the award of a Maths Doctorate, he conceived his debut novel, The Genes of Isis (ISBN 9781789014860, Matador, 2018), an epic fantasy set under Ancient Egyptian skies.

His second book, The Old Dragon’s Head (ISBN 9781789015829, Matador, 2018), and is set in Ming Dynasty China in the shadows of the Great Wall.

Set during the Great Enlightenment, The Coronation (ISBN 9781838591885, Matador, 2019) speculates on the genesis of the most important event in the modern world – the Industrial Revolution.

The Abdication (ISBN 9781800463950, Matador, 2021) is a mystery thriller in which a young woman confronts her faith in a higher purpose and what it means to abdicate that faith.

The Mark of the Salamander (ISBN 9781915853271, Book Guild, 2023), is the first in a two-book series, The Island of Angels. Set in the Elizabethan era, it tells the epic tale of England’s coming of age.
The latest is The Midnight of Eights (ISBN 9781835740 330, Book Guild, 2024), the second in The Island of Angels series, which charts the uncanny coincidences of time and tide that culminated in the repulse of the Spanish Armada.

His work in progress is The Spirit of the Times which explores the events of the 14th Century featuring an unlikely cast of the Silk Road, Genghis Khan, the Black Plague, and a nursery rhyme that begins ‘Ring a-ring a-roses’.

Author, speaker and broadcaster, Justin gives talks to historical associations and libraries, appears on LitFest panels, and enjoys giving radio interviews. He lives with his partner in plain sight of the Mendip Hills in Somerset, England.

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