Friday, January 31, 2025

Blog Tour: Strait Lace by Rosemary Hayward

Join The Coffee Pot Book Club on tour with…

Strait Lace

A Loxley Hall Book

by Rosemary Hayward

Thursdays, March 13th - April 3rd, 2025

Publication Date: March 8th, 2025
Publisher: independently published
Pages: 400
Genre: Historical Fiction

It is 1905. Edwardian England.

Harriet Loxley, the daughter of a vicar and niece to a prominent Nottingham lace manufacturer, spends her days playing cricket with her brother, scouring the countryside for botanical specimens, and never missing an opportunity to argue the case for political power for women. Given the chance to visit the House of Commons, Harriet witnesses the failure of a historic bill for women’s voting rights. She also meets the formidable Pankhurst women.


When Harriet gets the chance to study biology at Bedford College, London, she finds her opportunity to be at the heart of the fight. From marching in the street, to speaking to hostile crowds, to hurling stones through windows, just how far will Harriet go?

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Rosemary Hayward

Rosemary Hayward is the author of Margaret Leaving, a historical mystery uncovering little known events that occurred in the immediate aftermath to World War II. She is also the creator of Your Next Book, a deeply nerdy monthly newsletter describing a book picked from her bookshelf, or Kindle.

She is British by birth but now lives part of the year in California and part in southern Spain.

Author Links:

Website • Facebook  Instagram 

Tour Schedule

March 13th
Wendy J. Dunn's Official Blog
The Coffee Pot Book Club
Pam Lecky's Official Blog
Let Your Words Shine
When Angels Fly

 March 20th
Yarde Reviews & Book Promotion
Carolyn Hughes' Official Blog
The Whispering Bookworm
Historical Fiction Blog
Frugal Freelancer
Mary's Bookcase

March 27th
Elizabeth St.John's Official Blog
The Historical Fiction Company
Jorie loves a Story
The Writing Desk
Ruins & Reading

April 3rd
I got lost in a book
CelticLady's Reviews
Deborah Swift's Official Blog
The Mysterious Universe of Books
Linnea Tanner's Official Blog
Let Us Talk of Many Things
Oh look, another book
Crowvus Book Blog

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Blog Tour: The Welsh Warrior's Inheritance by Arianwen Nun

Join The Coffee Pot Book Club on tour with…

The Welsh Warrior’s Inheritance

The Welsh Warriors Series

by Arianwen Nunn

March 7th, 2025

Publication Date: November 21st, 2023
Publisher: Historium Press
Pages: 554
Genre: Historical Fiction / Welsh Historical Fiction

It is 1109 and the Welsh warrior and firebrand, Owain ap Cadwgan abducts Princess Nest from the castle she shares with her children and her husband, Gerald of Windsor. King Henry of England, furious that Nest, who is also his lover and mother of his son, begins a manhunt to find Owain and return Nest to her husband.

In Gwynydd King Gruffydd ap Cynan and his wife risk everything to hide them and get them to safety in Ireland despite the efforts of Gronwy ap Owain, Angharad's vicious brother who would like to see Gruffydd and Owain dead.

King Henry uses Bishop Richard to start kinship warfare in Wales then declares war against the Welsh determining to exterminate them all.

Can Gruffydd and his family survive the greatest army ever led against Wales?

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Arianwen Nunn

Arianwen Nunn was born in Wales but now lives in Australia and writes historical fiction based on the Welsh kingdoms in the Middle Ages.

Arianwen has written a series of three books, 'The Welsh Traitor's Daughter', 'The Welsh Warrior's Inheritance' and 'Bards Sing of Love and War' which follow the lives of King Gruffydd ap Cynan and his wife Angharad and their family.

She has also written two children's books, 'The Welsh Warrior's Wonder' and 'Where Dragons Still Roar'.

Author Links:
Website • Twitter • Facebook • Instagram

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Blog Tour: A Woman's Lot by Carolyn Hughes – Audiobook

Join The Coffee Pot Book Club on tour with…

A Woman’s Lot
🎧 Audiobook 🎧

Meonbridge Chronicles, Book 2

by Carolyn Hughes

*Audiobook Blog Tour*

February 24th - 26th, 2025

Publication Date: November 12th, 2018
Publisher: Riverdown Books
Pages: 342
Genre: Historical Fiction

Publication Date: January 30th, 2025 (audiobook)
Audiobook Publisher: Carolyn Hughes
Listening Time: 12 hrs 15 mins
Narrator: Alex Lee

How can mere women resist the misogyny of men?

1352. In Meonbridge, a resentful peasant rages against Eleanor Titherige’s efforts to build up her flock of sheep. Susanna Miller’s husband, grown melancholy and ill-tempered, succumbs to idle gossip that his wife’s a scold. Agnes Sawyer’s yearning to be a craftsman is met with scorn. And the village priest, fearful of what he considers women’s “unnatural” ambitions, is determined to keep them firmly in their place.

Many men hold fast to the teachings of the Church and fear the havoc the “daughters of Eve” might wreak if they’re allowed to usurp men’s roles and gain control over their own lives.

Not all men in Meonbridge resist the women’s desire for change – indeed, they want it for themselves. Yet it takes only one or two misogynists to unleash the hounds of hostility and hatred…

If you enjoy immersive historical fiction with a strong authentic feel, set in a time of change and challenge, especially for women, you’ll love A Woman’s Lot, the second MEONBRIDGE CHRONICLE. Find out for yourself if Meonbridge’s “unnatural” women stand up to their abusers!

Praise for A Woman’s Lot:

This book exceeded all my expectations. I did not read this story. I lived it!
~ Mary Anne Yarde, The Coffee Pot Book Club

“A treat for all the senses…totally true to its time and setting…”
~ Being Anne

“I didn’t so much feel as if I were reading about medieval England as experiencing it first hand.”
~ Linda’s Book Bag

“An absorbing account of the times.”
~ Historical Novel Society

Buy Links:

This series is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.


Audiobook Buy Links:

Carolyn Hughes

Carolyn Hughes has lived much of her life in Hampshire. With a first degree in Classics and English, she started working life as a computer programmer, then a very new profession. But it was technical authoring that later proved her vocation, word-smithing for many different clients, including banks, an international hotel group and medical instruments manufacturers.

Although she wrote creatively on and off for most of her adult life, it was not until her children flew the nest that writing historical fiction took centre stage. But why historical fiction? Serendipity!

Seeking inspiration for what to write for her Creative Writing Masters, she discovered the handwritten draft, begun in her twenties, of a novel, set in 14th century rural England… Intrigued by the period and setting, she realised that, by writing a novel set in the period, she could learn more about the medieval past and interpret it, which seemed like a thrilling thing to do. A few days later, the first Meonbridge Chronicle, Fortune’s Wheel, was under way.

Six published books later (with more to come), Carolyn does now think of herself as an Historical Novelist. And she wouldn’t have it any other way…

Author Links:

Website • Twitter • Facebook  Bluesky

Tour Schedule

February 24th

 February 25th