Monday, July 3, 2023

Have a sneak peek between the covers of Luv Lubker's fabulous novel — Under His Spell #HistoricalFiction #BlogTour @LubkerLuv @cathiedunn

Under His Spell

The Rival Courts

by Luv Lubker

Publication Date: May 30th, 2023
Publisher: Historium Press
Pages: 384
Genre: Historical Fiction

A beautiful love story between the Princess Royal Victoria and Fritz Wilhelm, Frederick III of Prussia

A lonely young man attends the first World’s Fair – the Great Exhibition of 1851 – and meets a family who changes his life forever.

Follow the young Prince Fritz – later Friedrich III – of Prussia and his wife, Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter, Vicky, (parents of Kaiser Wilhelm II) through their courtship and the joys and struggles of their first four years of marriage.

Fritz and Vicky dream of a peaceful united Germany, but Fritz’s uncle Karl has his own dreams of power…

Discover often hinted at but unrevealed secrets of the Prussian Royal court…

Audiobook coming soon:

Ella McNish, Jamie Collette, Max Mustache, Christian Stark, Ju Thomas, Philip Zielinzki, Michael Garamoni

“He is a criminal,” Prince Albert was saying, “He has had the mysterious disappearance of more than one person put to his account. I have heard a story about when one of his huntsmen was to be married. Prince Charles took a fancy to the bride, and he and one of his cronies came up with the scheme of sending the bridegroom on an errand to Berlin – it was at Glienicke in Potsdam – and took his wife captive. The man, for some reason, became suspicious, and returned immediately. He returned to his house, finding it empty, went to the Schloss, and to the Prince’s rooms. He heard his wife’s voice, obviously in distress. He broke the door down, but Prince Karl and his friend took turns guarding the door, with a drawn sword, and simply stabbed the man. They–”
“Albert, must you tell this?” the Queen asked, as she entered the room.
“Vicky must know what she goes into, mustn’t she? We don’t want her going into the lion’s den as an ignorant lamb, a little rag doll to be played with and thrown about, do we?”
“No, of course not, but – oh, Albert, I hadn’t heard that story.”
Albert continued. “They buried him secretly in the night, and both left the country for a time, so as to be out of the way if there was a scandal. I don’t know how they found out who did it. And no one ever knew what happened to the wife. She simply disappeared.”
Fritz leaned his head on his hand, feeling his face flush. He chewed his lip, trying to find his voice.
“Yes, I know what my Uncle is. I wonder that you would think of allowing me to marry your daughter, knowing what you do,” he said, meeting Albert’s eye for a moment, then again hiding his face. His voice broke. “I know I should never take your daughter there.”
The Queen took his hand. She could not speak. Albert began again. “That is why I have taught Vicky what I have. And also why that promise of yours, and the one of the King, were so important.”

Luv Lubker

Luv Lubker has lived in the Victorian era half her life, making friends with the Bronte sisters and the extended family of Queen Victoria. Now she knows them quite as well as her own family.

Born in a cattle trough in the Appalachian mountains, Luv lives in Texas - when she comes to the modern world.

When she isn't living in the Victorian era, she enjoys being with her family; making and eating delicious raw food, riding her bike (which she only learned to ride at 25 though she ridden a unicycle since she was 7), and watching animals - the passion of her childhood.

Connect with Luv:

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