Thursday, April 25, 2024

Blog Tour: Shire's Union Trilogy by Richard Buxton

Join The Coffee Pot Book Club on tour with…

Shire’s Union Series

The Copper Road
Tigers in Blue

by Richard Buxton

*Series Spotlight*

June 3rd - 14th, 2023

Publication Dates: 
WG = 22nd March, 2017 / TCR = 26th July, 2020 / TIB = 8th December, 2023
Publisher: Ocoee Publishing 
Pages: 479 / 421 / 424
Genre: Historical Fiction / American Civil War

Shire's Union Trilogy

Shire leaves his home and his life in Victorian England for the sake of a childhood promise, a promise that pulls him into the bleeding heart of the American Civil War. Lost in the bloody battlefields of the West, he discovers a second home for his loyalty.

Clara believes she has escaped from a predictable future of obligation and privilege, but her new life in the Appalachian Hills of Tennessee is decaying around her. In the mansion of Comrie, long hidden secrets are being slowly exhumed by a war that creeps ever closer.

The Shire’s Union trilogy is at once an outsider’s odyssey through the battle for Tennessee, a touching story of impossible love, and a portrait of America at war with itself. Self-interest and conflict, betrayal and passion, all fuse into a fateful climax.

Written by award winning author Richard Buxton, the Shire’s Union trilogy begins with Whirligig, is continued in The Copper Road, and concludes with Tigers in Blue.
Watch the Promo Trailer for Whirligig:

Buy Links


The Copper Road

Tigers in Blue

Shire's Union Series

Richard Buxton

Richard lives with his family in the South Downs, Sussex, England. He completed an MA in Creative Writing at Chichester University in 2014. He has an abiding relationship with America, having studied at Syracuse University, New York State, in the late eighties.

He travels extensively for research, especially in Tennessee, Georgia and Ohio, and is rarely happier than when setting off from a motel to spend the day wandering a battlefield or imagining the past close beside the churning wheel of a paddle steamer.

Richard’s short stories have won the Exeter Story Prize, the Bedford International Writing Competition and the Nivalis Short Story Award.

His first novel, Whirligig (2017), was shortlisted for the Rubery International Book Award. It was followed by The Copper Road (2020) and the Shire’s Union trilogy was completed by Tigers in Blue (2023).

To learn more about Richard’s writing visit

Author Links:
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Tour Schedule


  1. Thanks, Cathie. Great to see this all up and running!

    1. You're very welcome, Richard. Enjoy your tour!
