Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Join us as acclaimed author Jennifer Ivy Walker shares details about the Resistance movement in Brittany during WWII #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalRomance #WWIIFiction

The Witch of the Breton Woods

by Jennifer Ivy Walker

Traumatized by horrors witnessed during the Nazi invasion of France, a young woman retreats to the dense Breton woods where she becomes a member of the clandestine French Resistance. When she finds a critically injured American paratrooper whose plane was shot down, she shelters the wounded soldier in her secluded cottage, determined to heal him despite the enormous risk.

Ostracized by villagers who have labeled her a witch, she is betrayed by an informant who reports to the Butcher—the monstrous leader of the local paramilitary organization that collaborates with the Germans. As the enemy closes in, she must elude the Gestapo while helping the Resistance reunite the American with his regiment and join the Allied Forces in the Battle of Brittany.

Can true love triumph against all odds under the oppressive Third Reich?

Throughout the Nazi Occupation of France during World War II, life for villagers in Brittany was a battle for survival, marked by hardship, deprivation, resistance, and resilience.

For many Breton villagers, the Occupation brought immediate and severe disruptions. The German military presence in Brittany began in 1940, with the arrival of soldiers, military police, and the establishment of defensive installations, including artillery emplacements, bunkers, and fortifications designed to repel naval assaults from strategic seaports along the vast Breton coastline. The local population was subjected to strict curfews, frequent inspections, and the pervasive presence of German troops, which altered the daily rhythm of life. Many families were evicted when their homes were commandeered by the German army. In the novel The Witch of the Breton Woods, Yvette’s family home--uniquely positioned on a peninsular clifftop in the oceanfront village of Cancale--was confiscated to establish a defensive German garrison and strategic lookout point of Hitler’s Atlantic Wall.

Map of Battle of Brittany. Wikimedia Commons

Economic life in Brittany was profoundly affected during the Second World War.  German authorities requisitioned French resources, with local farmers suddenly forced to produce crops to feed the voracious Wehrmacht army. With food and supplies appropriated by the Germans, the Breton people struggled against starvation. Villagers had to contend with ration coupons and shortages of essential goods, leading to long queues in local shops, perilous bartering, or paying exorbitant prices for illegal commodities purchased on the Black Market. The scarcity of items like bread, meat, sugar, dairy products, coffee, and fuel made even basic daily tasks challenging.

Rationing during WWII. Wikimedia Commons

For many Bretons, the Occupation also meant a loss of freedom and increased surveillance. The Nazis imposed strict controls over public and private life. Village gatherings, religious ceremonies, and even traditional Breton festivals were restricted or canceled, as the Third Reich sought to suppress any form of collective expression that might foster resistance. The presence of German troops in the villages, patrolling streets and enforcing curfews, created an atmosphere of tension and fear.

Able-bodied Frenchmen were conscripted--sent off to work in forced labor camps-- producing munitions, weapons, and vehicles for the Germans. They constructed roads, bridges, airfields, and military installations, often working in mines and quarries, or on farms to produce crops to feed the Nazis.  Many young men evaded this compulsory Service du Travail Obligatoire by escaping into local woodlands or mountainous terrain, where they formed clandestine bands of Resistance groups known as les maquis.

STO propaganda poster. Wikimedia Commons

The French Resistance engaged in acts of sabotage, intelligence gathering, and support for the Allied Forces. Despite the risks, many Breton villagers participated in covert activities, such as smuggling Jews to safety through an extensive escape networks, helping downed Allied pilots evade capture, and distributing anti-German leaflets. The Resistance was often supported by the rural landscape, which provided natural cover and allowed for the establishment of hidden safe houses and cells.

Les maquisards. Wikimedia Commons

However, the Occupation of France during World War II also saw the rise of collaboration and conflict within the community. The paramilitary organization known as la Milice actively hunted, tortured, and killed members of the French Resistance, prompting some villagers to collaborate with the German authorities and betray their own countrymen. Many of les collabos--the locals who collaborated with the Germans--were often rewarded with access to Black Market goods (such as meat, bread, coffee, and sugar) which were unavailable and highly tempting to destitute, desperate families with young children facing starvation. This created a hostile environment within Brittany, where suspicions and accusations pitted villagers against each other. In The Witch of the Breton Woods, the character Marie-Claire Dubois is a perfect example of this betrayal. 

Emblem of La Milice. Wikimedia Commons.

Overall, life for villagers in Brittany during the Nazi Occupation of France was characterized by a tenacious struggle for survival amidst the constant fear of the omnipotent Third Reich, the conflict between resistance and collaboration, and the loss of young men forced into labor camps, leaving many young wives and mothers at the mercy of the often merciless enemy. 

Book Trailer Link:

Jennifer Ivy Walker

Jennifer Ivy Walker has an MA in French literature and is a former high school teacher and professor of French at a state college in Florida.  Her novels encompass a love for French language, literature, history, and culture, incorporating her lifelong study, summers abroad, and many trips to France.

The Witch of the Breton Woods is heart-pounding suspense set during WWII in Nazi-occupied France, where a young woman in the French Resistance shelters and heals a wounded American soldier, hiding him from the Gestapo and the monstrous Butcher who are relentlessly hunting him.

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  1. Thank you very much for hosting The Witch of the Breton Woods!

    1. Thank you for such a fascinating post, Jennifer. I found it really interesting to learn about the Breton resistance and the tragic reprisals if one were caught. All the best! :-)
