Monday, March 24, 2025

Book of the Week: Blood of Roses – Edward IV & Towton by J.P. Reedman #HistoricalFiction #MedievalEngland #WarsOfTheRoses #RecommendedReading

Blood of Roses: Edward IV & Towton

The Falcon and the Sun: The House of York

by J.P. Reedman

Richard Duke of York lies dead outside the walls of Sandal Castle, lured to his death by false talk of a Christmas truce. His second son Edmund, aged just seventeen, is murdered by Butcher Clifford, his blood staining the cobbles of Wakefield bridge outside the chapel where he had vainly sought sanctuary. 

The House of York has fallen...but not for long. The Lancastrian army of Margaret of Anjou has reaped the whirlwind with the treacherous slaughter at Wakefield. 

Edward of March, Duke Richard's heir, is coming after them, tall, handsome, young and a fearsome warrior...and he wants vengeance for the death of his father and beloved younger brother. He fights his foes at Mortimer's Cross, where Three Suns mysteriously appear in the sky as an omen, and then fares on through an unseasonal snowstorm to the field of Towton...and victory in the bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil. The prize--the Crown of England.

From the author of I, RICHARD PLANTAGENET, a novella of 25,000 words.

Praise for Blood of Roses:

The beauty of historical fiction is that it has the power to make history accessible to those who otherwise would know little of the events presented in its pages, and to create interest in those men and women who made history through their words, actions and achievements.

Reedman’s historical fiction is both very readable and enjoyable.

~ Book Squirrel, Amazon 4* Review

This is a truly fascinating and remarkable chapter in English history, all the more so for the horrific slaughter that follows at Towton, still the biggest loss of life in a single day of any battle on British soil. A well researched and written account that keeps you gripped from start to finish, in mortified and grizzly fascination.

~ Tim Walker, author, 5* Review

Held my attention from beginning to end. The descriptions were easy to understand and easy to visualize what was happening.

~ CC, Amazon 5* Review

Universal Buy Link

This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.

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