Monday, July 8, 2024

Blog Tour: Venator by A.M. Swink

Join The Coffee Pot Book Club on tour with…


Roman Equestrian Series

by A.M. Swink

August 19th - 23rd, 2024

Publication Date: July 16th, 2024
Publisher: Historium Press
Pages: 464
Genre: Historical Fiction

Britannia, AD 59.

Decimus is a long-serving senior centurion who dreams of retirement in Rome. Luciana is a Cornovii princess devoted to the freedom and survival of her tribe. Connected only by a passion for horsemanship, the pair could not be more ill-matched. After a deadly conflict thrusts these enemies together, each is determined to fight their desires and triumph over the other. Who will ultimately control the other’s heart?

But Decimus and Luciana are not the only ones on the hunt for supremacy; a desperate struggle over the province is beginning to simmer to a boil. There are whispers of mysterious Druids fomenting unrest among the western British tribes, whose inter-tribal divisions threaten to subsume them. The future of the Roman legions in the province is suddenly thrown into doubt as casualties begin to mount. Decimus and Luciana find themselves entangled within a web of characters, Briton and Roman, playing with Britannia’s destiny to serve their own ends. The hunt for power is on, where only one side can emerge triumphant. But just who among these hunters will end up hunted?

Fans of Anya Seton's The Mistletoe and Sword, Stephen A. McKay's The Druid, and Simon Scarrow's Eagles of the Empire series will be utterly swept away by this emotional charged page-turner about two people captured by mutual passions and embroiled in the destiny of Rome and Britain, as well as their own.

Buy Link:

A. M. Swink

A native of Dayton, Ohio, A.M. Swink grew up obsessed with two things: books and horses. After a childhood of reading, writing, showing, and riding, she moved to Lexington, Kentucky to complete a degree in equine science and management and a degree in English literary studies. She now works in Lexington as a college professor of reading and writing.

In her spare time, she has travelled extensively around the UK and Ireland, exploring ancient sites and artefacts, as well as tracing her own ancestry. She is proud to be descended from County Cork’s Callaghan clan.

When not writing, she can be found collecting and showing model horses or enjoying her favourite British comedy programmes.

Author Links:

Tour Schedule

August 19th
Oh look, another book!
When Angels Fly
Let Your Words Shine
The Historical Fiction Company

August 20th
CelticLady's Reviews
Let Us Talk of Many Things
Jennifer C. Wilson's Official Blog
The Coffee Pot Book Club

August 21st
Mary's Bookcase
The Whispering Bookworm
Wendy J. Dunn's Official Blog
Yarde Reviews & Book Promotion

August 22nd

Brook's Journal

Catherine Meyrick's Official Blog

MJ Porter's Official Blog

Ruins & Reading

August 23rd
Eclectic Ramblings of Author Heather Osborne
Historical Fiction Blog
Linnea Tanner's Official Blog

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