Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Editorial Book Review: A Grave Every Mile by David Fitz-Gerald #HistoricalFiction #OregonTrail #EditorialReview #TheCoffeePotBookClub

A Grave Every Mile

Ghosts along the Oregon Trail, Book #1

by David Fitz-Gerald

Embark on a harrowing trek across the rugged American frontier in 1850. Your wagon awaits, and the untamed wilderness calls. This epic western adventure will test the mettle of even the bravest souls.

Dorcas Moon and her family set forth in search of opportunity and a brighter future. Yet, what awaits them is a relentless gauntlet of life-threatening challenges: miserable weather, ravenous insects, scorching sunburns, and unforgiving terrain. It's not merely a battle for survival but a test of their unity and sanity.

Amidst the chaos, Dorcas faces ceaseless trials: her husband's unending bickering, her daughter's descent into madness, and the ever-present danger of lethal rattlesnakes, intensifying the peril with each step. The specter of death looms large, with diseases spreading and the eerie howls of rabid wolves piercing the night. Will the haunting image of wolves desecrating a grave push Dorcas over the edge?

With each mile, the migration poses a haunting question: Who will endure the relentless quest to cross the continent, and who will leave their bones to rest beside the trail? The pathway is bordered by graves, a chilling reminder of the steep cost of dreams.

A Grave Every Mile marks the commencement of an unforgettable saga. Start reading Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail now to immerse yourself in an expedition where every decision carries the weight of life, death, and the pursuit of a brighter future along the Oregon Trail.

“I see.” His dark brown eyes look intensely at me, and he asks, “What is your dream, Dorcas?” Then he looks back at his work.

I think for a moment and say, “To get my family safely to Oregon.”

“Then what?”

“To help Larkin become a banker.”

“I see. No, what is your dream, Dorcas? Not Larkin’s dream.”

I sputter, not knowing what to say. “Should a woman have a dream?”

A new life. New chances. A better world for her children to grow up in.
The path to Oregon poses new opportunities, and the chance for dreams to come true.
Dorcas Moon wants such dreams to come true for her family.

What is not necessarily as clear until they have begun the journey is just how perilous and draining the path truly can be. They were ready for the challenging weather and difficulties on the path, but the countless graves along the track caught them off guard. The further into the journey they go, the more often they find themselves stopping to rest alongside the final resting places of those who had attempted the journey before them and failed. As they travel mile after mile, the thought slowly arises in everyone’s mind - who will survive the journey to Oregon, and who will be buried in unmarked graves by the roadside?

A chilling expedition in pursuit of a better future, A Grave Every Mile: A Pioneer Western Adventure (Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail Book 1) by David Fitz-Gerald is an enthralling novel of self-discovery whilst striving towards a new world, and a better life.

Dorcas Moon is a woman unlike any others around her. Her height, which is unusually tall for a woman, is matched by her larger-than-life personality that cannot be contained. She is not afraid to let her voice be heard, nor does she shy away from stepping into situations where she feels she can have a positive impact. On the road to Oregon, she does what she can to keep everyone around her in high spirits and looked after. Dorcas is portrayed with an immense attention to detail.

Within just a few pages, she becomes a character who captures your heart and remains there throughout the entire novel. Dorcas is a protagonist with remarkable emotional strength, prioritising others over herself. She not only cares for her husband and four children but also takes care of the couple in the wagon behind them, as well as forming caring bonds with many others in the convoy. In a world where self-preservation seems paramount, Dorcas emerges as a symbol of generosity and compassion. Dorcas’ character is skilfully crafted, guaranteeing her status as a beloved character among readers.

There are several relationships that are tested in the first stretch of the long journey Dorcas and her family find themselves on. Dorcas is a very kind-hearted person and is deeply affected by the mistreatment of the animals around her. She hates to see the mules pulling their wagon forced into doing so by the loud crack of a whip. Such abject suffering makes her want to pull all her children in close to her and protect them from anything the world might throw at them. She and her husband, Larkin, are often at odds, for while Dorcas is desperate to protect everyone and everything, Larkin tries to be more realistic and straight to the point. He doesn’t ‘coddle’ their children, and he tries to keep everything running smoothly, but the more he tells Dorcas to step back and calm down, the less she can. There is a definite tension between Dorcas and Larkin, which is not at all helped by the presence of the assistant wagon master, Agapito Huerta Delgado, whom Dorcas can’t help but admire for both his tenacity and his good looks. Dorcas may be married, but the relationship she has with her husband is strained — it is a relationship of convenience and routine rather than one of passion. But when Dorcas looks at Agapito, she sees the possibility of something else.

This novel explores the highs and lows of relationships, including friendships that flourish and falter, and the feelings characters have for one another. The sense of imprisonment in this story arises from the characters’ inability to escape any difficult situations with each other while travelling together, is requires them to face every problem head on. Given the fact that they are on the road together for months, it’s crucial for everyone to get along and maintain peace for a smooth journey.

The exhilaration of finally starting the journey turns to concerns fairly quickly after setting out. There are many factors that contribute to Dorcas’ overall concern, and although she tries to look past it, she can’t shake the feeling that something terrible is going to happen. As they continue their journey, Dorcas notices a steady decline in her daughter Rose’s mental state. Rose wanders off by herself, out of the safety of the camp, and is frequently found having what looks to be conversations with people who are not there. She develops an obsession with the graves along the road, and Dorcas can’t help but question the soundness of her mind. Is her daughter going mad? What can she do to help, when Rose refuses to talk to her and acts like there is nothing out of the ordinary? The paranormal elements, while not central to the plot, undeniably leave a lasting impression on the reader.

The notion that the convoy may not be the only ones on the trail is unsettling enough when it comes to wolves and snakes – when that idea is extended to an additional plane of existence, with the suggestion of an otherworldly universe where the deceased reside, the path ahead becomes more than just unsettling. Through his masterful storytelling, Mr. Fitz-Gerald manages to educate readers about the challenges of emigrating along the Oregon Trail while simultaneously immersing them in the enchanting world of Dorcas Moon, resulting in a novel that is as thought-provoking as it is impossible to resist.

In A Grave Every Mile: A Pioneer Western Adventure (Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail Book 1), David Fitz-Gerald crafts a captivating narrative that sweeps you into the story and keeps you hooked. The sound of the wheels turning over the loose stone and the chatter of people accompany you as you join the characters on the road to new futures. Mr Fitz-Gerald has crafted a novel that promises to be the start of an exquisite series, and one that should be shared far and wide, for it is of excellent quality and impeccable penmanship. This is a novel, and a series, that I won’t be forgetting about for a very long time.

I Highly Recommend.

Review by Ellie Yarde
The Coffee Pot Book Club

Universal Buy Link

The title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.

Series Trailer:

David Fitz-Gerald

David Fitz-Gerald writes westerns and historical fiction. He is the author of twelve books, including the brand-new series, Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail set in 1850. Dave is a multiple Laramie Award, first place, best in category winner; a Blue Ribbon Chanticleerian; a member of Western Writers of America; and a member of the Historical Novel Society.

Alpine landscapes and flashy horses always catch Dave’s eye and turn his head. He is also an Adirondack 46-er, which means that he has hiked to the summit of the range’s highest peaks. As a mountaineer, he’s happiest at an elevation of over four thousand feet above sea level.

Dave is a lifelong fan of western fiction, landscapes, movies, and music. It should be no surprise that Dave delights in placing memorable characters on treacherous trails, mountain tops, and on the backs of wild horses.

Connect with Dave:

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  1. I love David Fitz-Gerald's books - She Sees Ghosts is my absolute favourite. You always write lovely reviews, Ellie. I will add this book to my to-read list.

    1. Thank you, Maddie. It's a fascinating series, well worth checking out. We love featuring Dave's books. :-)
