Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Join The Coffee Pot Book Club on #WriterWednesday as fabulous designers Tamian Wood & Cathy Helms share tips on choosing the right book cover #HistoricalFiction #WritingTips #WritersLife

Cover Design Tips

by Tamian Wood & Cathy Helms

I always begin any discussion about book cover design by making this one important statement -
'Whoever told you that your book's cover design doesn't matter, lied.'
~ Cathy Helms, Avalon Graphics

The old saying 'Never judge a book by its cover.' is actually misleading at best, because people almost ALWAYS judge books by their covers. Even if you are part of the 1% that does not judge cover designs, your readers are part of the 99% that does. Potential readers pick up books in bookstores based on what they perceive as an attractive cover. If all books were wrapped in brown paper, you'd be forced to make a decision based on the title. But this is not how this business functions. The very purpose of a book cover is to entice – to sell the product, which in this case is your book. 

There are exceptions of course, famous and best-selling authors do sell books based on their names alone. But overall, every author out there must rely on an excellent cover, strong marketing, and platforms such as social media, etc. to sell their books. The phrase "Never judge a book by its cover…" is diametrically opposed to the reality we live in today. Bottom line is, your book's cover design is extremely important in today's highly competitive literature market.

Book Cover Designers Tamian Wood and Cathy Helms have set up Top 10 Tips for finding and working with a cover designer:


Thank you, Tamian and Cathy, for your valuable tips!

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We hope that you do not only find our advice helpful, but also join our weekly #HistoricalFictionChat, right here, and on social media!

Today’s #HistoricalFictionChat Question:

Readers! How does a book cover attract your interest? *

Let us know in the comments below, or on Twitter / XIG, our FB CaféBluesky or Threads!

* Well, the Designers! *

Tamian Wood - Beyond Design Books

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Cathy Helms - Avalon Graphics


  1. I've worked with Cathy Helms for more years than I want to work out (14 years or so?) She saved my life cover-wise with my 'Freelance' published books when I realised that self-published books must have professional standard covers. Now, she's also one of my best friends! Thanks Cathy - asnd thank you Tamian for sharing your design wisdom!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Helen.
      I absolutely agree that a good cover is so important. I'm sure we'll return to the subject again at some point, but thanks for your endorsement for Cathy's work. :-)

  2. Thank you, Cathie, for having Tamian and myself on your blog today! I do hope our tips are helpful to your readers.

    1. Thank you both for your insightful tips. I'm sure readers will find them useful. It's such an important topic, yet often overlooked. Thanks for your time. :-)

  3. Helen, we've worked together since around 2009 or so - crazy how time as flown! You gave me my first opportunity designing book covers!! Thank YOU for setting me upon my path! And I cherish our close friendship ♥

  4. Thank you Cathie for allowing us to share with your audience. We hope the tips are helpful, and we are always open for questions.

    1. Thank you, Tamian. It was a pleasure to host you and Cathy. Your post was so helpful. :-)
