Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Novice Threads by Nancy Jardine #HistoricalFiction #VictorianScotland #SundaySnippet #TheCoffeePotBookClub #RecommendedReading @nansjar @cathiedunn

Novice Threads

by Nancy Jardine


Publication Date: May 15th, 2024
Publisher: Ocelot Press
Pages: 356
Genre: Historical Fiction / Victorian Scotland Saga

A thirst for education.  Shattered dreams. Fragile relations.

1840s Scotland

Being sent to school is the most exhilarating thing that’s ever happened to young Margaret Law. She sharpens her newly-acquired education on her best friend, Jessie Morison, till Jessie is spirited away to become a scullery maid. But how can Margaret fulfil her visions of becoming a schoolteacher when her parents’ tailoring and drapery business suddenly collapses and she must find a job?

Salvation from domestic drudgery – or never-ending seamstress work – comes via Jessie whose employer seeks a tutor for his daughter. Free time exploring Edinburgh with Jessie is great fun, but increasing tension in the household claws at Margaret’s nerves. 

Margaret also worries about her parents’ estrangement, and the mystery of Jessie's unknown father.

When tragedy befalls the household in Edinburgh, Margaret must forge a new pathway for the future – though where will that be?

Tempers Are Flying!

It wasn’t till later that evening, after various bouts of door-slamming and shouting by different family members, that Margaret got the full story. By then Jessie was pacing the kitchen floor.

“I’ve never seen Mister Duncan so irate. He has absolutely forbidden David from moving up to the attic floor, and declared that if Helen needs a bed that’s not the bed he will be in, then she can move up there herself.” Jessie grimaced. “You can imagine that was not received well by Hellish Helen!”

Margaret picked up two cups and filled them from the teapot that still held some warm tea. Handing one to Jessie, she urged her friend to sit down.

“David wasn’t a happy lad, either,” Jessie said.

Jessie’s smile was thin, her exhale huge. 

“It was just as well that Helen slept off her rage for the time that she did...

This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.

Nancy Jardine

Nancy writes historical and contemporary fiction. 1st Century Roman Britain is the setting of her Celtic Fervour Series. Victorian and Edwardian history has sneaked into two of her ancestry-based contemporary mysteries, and her current Silver Sampler Series is set in Victorian Scotland.

Her novels have achieved Finalist status in UK book competitions (People's Book Prize; Scottish Association of Writers) and have received prestigious Online Book Awards.

Published with Ocelot Press, writing memberships include – Historical Novel Society; Romantic Novelists Association; Scottish Association of Writers; Federation of Writers Scotland; Alliance of Independent Authors.

Connect with Nancy:

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