Monday, June 10, 2024

Book of the Week: Nest of the Gyrfalcon by G. Lawrence #HistoricalFiction #TheAnarchy #RecommendedReading

* Book of the Week *

Nest of the Gyrfalcon

The Heirs of Anarchy, Book #6

by G. Lawrence

* New Release *

Spring 1152.

Once she was a Queen, and will become so again...

Eleanor of Aquitaine has escaped her marriage to Louis of France, as well as various lords bent on capturing her and forcing her into marriage with them, and is safe in her homeland once more. Sending a message to Henry, Duke of Normandy, Eleanor arranges her second marriage, this time to a lord of her choosing, a man already in possession of an empire of his own, an heir to the English throne about to take back the crown stolen from his mother, the Empress Matilda.

Through civil war, uprisings, and political turmoil, Eleanor, once Queen of France, will rise to become Eleanor, Queen of England, fierce defender of her children, and dedicated leader of her people.

Nest of the Gyrfalcon is Book Six of the Heirs of Anarchy, and Book Two of the Story of Eleanor of Aquitaine, by G. Lawrence.

The author's thanks are due to Julia Gibbs, proof reader of this work of fiction, and Betibup33 Studio Designs, the cover artist.

Praise for Nest of the Gyrfalcon:

'Absolutely love this author. Great take on Eleanor of Aquataine. Can’t wait for the next book.'
~ Amazon Reviewer

' haven't read much about Eleanor so how Lawrence writes such in depth historical background without it getting preachy is phenomenal.'
~ Crickett, Amazon Reviewer

Universal Buy Link

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