Monday, June 17, 2024

Book of the Week: Written in their Stars by Elizabeth St.John #HistoricalFiction #EnglishCivilWar #RecommendedReading

* Book of the Week *

Written in their Stars

The Lydiard Chronicles, Book #3

by Elizabeth St.John

* Only 0.99 from June 19th - 25th, 2024 *

London, 1649. Horrified eyewitnesses to King Charles’s bloody execution, Royalists Nan Wilmot and Frances Apsley plot to return the king’s exiled son to England’s throne, while their radical cousin Luce, the wife of king-killer John Hutchinson, rejoices in the new republic’s triumph.

Nan exploits her high-ranking position as Countess of Rochester to manipulate England’s great divide, flouting Cromwell and establishing a Royalist spy network; while Frances and her husband Allen join the destitute prince in Paris’s Louvre Palace to support his restoration.

As the women work from the shadows to topple Cromwell’s regime, their husbands fight openly for the throne on England’s bloody battlefields. But will the return of the king be a victory, or destroy them all? Separated by loyalty and bound by love, Luce, Nan and Frances hold the fate of England—and their family—in their hands.

A true story based on surviving memoirs of Elizabeth St.John's family.

Praise for Written in their Stars:

'Remarkable. Stunning imagery, and delicately vivid depictions. A dramatic and romantic novel of courage and faith.'
~ BRAG Medallion

'Elizabeth St. John has tapped into a hidden but very real niche of history to tell this enchanting tale. Nan and Frances are two Royalists whose sex keeps them off the battlefield, but the ladies take it upon themselves to use their status and power with excellent effect. The character development is deep and engaging, whilst it's also really skillful to see a feminist style tale of strong, empowered women woven into a convincing episode of history where everything is still very real and accurate to the time period.'
~ Readers Favorite 5*

Universal Buy Link


  1. Thank you so much for choosing Written in Their Stars as your Book of the Week!

    1. You're most welcome, Liz. We're always delighted to feature your wonderful novels. :-)
