Monday, March 4, 2024

The Husband Criteria by Catherine Kullmann #AwardWinning #HistoricalFiction #RecommendedReads

The Husband Criteria

The Lorings, Book #3

by Catherine Kullmann

London 1817

The primary aim of every young lady embarking on the Spring frenzy that is the Season must be to make a good match. Or must it? And what is a good match? For cousins Cynthia, Chloe and Ann, well aware that the society preux chevalier may prove to be a domestic tyrant, these are vital questions. How can they discover their suitors’ true character when all their encounters must be confined to the highly ritualised round of balls, parties and drives in the park?

As they define and refine their Husband Criteria, Cynthia finds herself unwillingly attracted to aloof Rafe Marfield, heir to an earldom, while Chloe is pleased to find that Thomas Musgrave, the vicar’s son from home, is also in London. And Ann must decide what is more important to her, music or marriage.

And what of the gentlemen who consider the marriage mart to be their hunting grounds? How will they react if they realise how rigorously they are being assessed?

A light-hearted, entertaining look behind the scenes of a Season that takes a different course with unexpected consequences for all concerned.



"I particularly liked the skill with which Ms Kullman handled the dialogue, the forms of address and the social mores and customs which may be unfamiliar to the modern reader. It was a more formal age and while using equally formal language, we see that the characters are still people like us. While a romance sits at the core of the novel, this is a multi-layered and very satisfying read for any historical fiction fan. Highly recommended."
~ Alison Morton, author of the award-winning Roma Nova series

"I was impressed by how authentic the depiction of the era and environment appeared to be. I don’t know much about this period, but it all simply felt right. I had the impression that the author is thoroughly immersed in the Regency period – well, this is her eighth Regency Romance! – and it showed. I liked very much that she depicted her fictional characters against the background of real settings – some of which I looked into further – and that we saw a good deal of how the upper classes of the day spent their time – visiting, musical evenings, family theatre, drives in the Park, and of course attending balls and soirées. I was rather bemused to learn that – on ball days anyway – they apparently took dinner in the late afternoon, with “supper” served not much before midnight, and after hours of dancing! How very exhausting… I have to suppose they slept late in the morning…"
~ Carolyn Hughes, author of the award-winning Meonbridge Chronicles series

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